What do your customers want?

Nancy Customer sees this sign driving down a popular street in your town:


Is she struck by this advertising pick-up line?

Just what I was looking for, someone who wants to be my copier company!

Most likely not. Even though Nancy may actually need a copier for her office. Think of it this way. An attractive female is hanging out in a local bar with friends for happy hour. A guy approaches her. He’s a good looking guy, well-dressed. The first thing he says to her is:

I want to be your boyfriend.

How well does that work?

The real issue is: Do you know what your customers want and are you speaking to that need?

Granted, customers don’t always know exactly what they want. They have these unspoken needs. Their office may require a copier, but they don’t “need” a copier company. Maybe customers can’t quite put their finger on what they need, and that’s OK, because that’s where you fit in. When you discover what they actually need, you win the business…if you use the right pick-up line.

Here’s another sign, and in my opinion, a better one:


Simple, basic product listing. This sign still does not speak to the needs of the customer but at least it speaks to customer’s requirement in an unselfish way.

What unspoken need can you speak to? One thing is for certain, customers don’t want to do business with you for your selfish reasons. They have their reasons. What are they?

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