It seems that you will never be able to escape commericals. With the DVR, the consumer thought it had obtained victory over the commercial. But now, you’ve been betrayed by the very product that gave you hope: NBCU’s TiVo Deal Opens Universe To Advertisers
Usually, television advertising is intrusive, you have to watch the commercial to watch your show. Then
TiVo and
DVRs came along to set you free. Hit the magic FF button and
BAM! You could watch a 60 minute show in 42 minutes, without the intrusive advertising. Most of which you didn’t want to see anyway.
Now, TiVo has devised a nasty scheme to get you, even if you are fast-forwarding through commercials (they’ve really had it for a few years). They are selling embedded tags in commercials that can be seen, and clicked, even while you are fast-forwarding through a commercial. You can FF, but you cannot hide.
Actually, this may be the best way to handle things. You get to choose whether or not you want information on a product. Someone has to pay for the programs you watch, and right now that is done with advertising money.
Eventually, this will technology will penetrate all DVRs. In the future, as you fast forward through a commercial, you will see an icon allowing you to click for more information. It will take a few years, but this filter down to the local markets. As a local advertiser, you will some day be able to purchase these clickable DVR icons to go along with the commercial (for an extra charge, of course).
Until that time, always be aware that as
DVR penetration grows, effectiveness of local television advertising shrinks every year. The rule with local TV advertising is to choose programs that viewers are likely to watch live. These programs include newscasts, morning news magazines, and some sporting events.
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