Part 4 of Build Your Marketing Plan Series
July is Build Your Marketing Plan month on The Marketing Spot blog. This is part four of an eight-part series on how to build an exceptional small business marketing plan. Each “lesson” of the series contains a background article, down loadable worksheets and a slidecast. This information is part of my full-day workshop, DIY Marketing for Small Businesses.
(See Part 1: The Brand Promise)
(See Part 2: Your Signature)
(See Part 3: The Customer Experience Theme)
*Note: The next live, DIY Marketing workshop is September 24 at the Houston Small Business Development Center.
“Marketing only begets trial. It is the daily, one-to-one activity that occurs inside your own four walls that creates compelling word of mouth and repeat business.”
-T. Scott Gross, Positively Outrageous Service
The most important marketing you do is actually at the point of contact with your customer. What happens at this point creates word of mouth and instills customer loyalty. It should not be left to chance. Your customers’ experience should not be meandering trip of exploration. Instead, think of the customer experience as a guided tour in an exotic destination. And you are the tour guide.
Suppose that today you are leaving for summer vacation. You are driving to Destin, Florida. The thing is, you’ve never been to Destin. Logically, you pull up Google Maps and get directions to take you from your front door to the sandy beaches of Destin.
Now let’s look at your business. Everyday you ask customers to start from their front door and end up at your check-out counter (Destin) to make a purchase. Are you asking them do it without a map? Are you asking customers to navigate the treacherous waters of retail without directions? I’m not talking about physical directions to your storefront or website, I’m talking about emotional, relational directions during the customer experience.
Consistently great customer experiences don’t occur by chance. They are carefully planned. Yours should be too. With this installment of the Build Your Marketing Plan series, you will use The Marketing Spot’s Customer Experience Map to design a remarkable customer experience.
But just like a guided tour of The Vatican, a remarkable customer experience is not just about going from point A to point B. No, it’s also about those little unique moments you retell later to your friends and family. I call those Magic Spots, and they need to be sprinkled throughout your customer experience.
To map out your customer experience with magic spots, download the two PDF worksheets below and print them off. Just right click and save them to your computer.
Then watch the slidecast below for details on how to use these customer experience tools.
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Watch the slidecast below after you have printed the worksheets. If you cannot see the slidecast in your reader, click here.
Additional information on Customer Experience Mapping:
Webinar Video: How to create a remarkable Offline/Online Experience
Podcast: Remarkable Customer Experience
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[…] But the real secret to creating a remarkable experience is to map it out, start to finish, using a theme to tie all the elements together. I have created a tool to help you design such an experience. You can download the tool for free here: The Customer Experience Map […]
[…] Tools to create your own remarkable customer experience: Design your customer experience around a common concept: The Customer Experience Theme Map our your customer’s experience while adding magic spots: The Customer Experience Map […]
[…] The Customer Experience Map My exclusive tool to help you map our a remarkable experience, complete with an audio/visual tutorial. […]
[…] map out an experience from start to finish based on those expectations. I have developed a Customer Experience Map (click here) for that purpose. Step-by-step, design and implement an experience that is consistent with your […]
[…] get started creating your customer’s remarkable experience. Use our free Customer Experience Map to find your 100% […]