I’m a huge fan of the WordPress content management system for websites. WordPress is free software that allows small business owners to take control of their own website. This website is built on WordPress using a customized version of Headway Themes.
Part of the power of WordPress is the plugins that add functionality to your website. For example, those social sharing buttons you see at the top of this post are courtesy of the Digg Digg plugin (if you’re viewing this on the website). But there are almost 15,000 different plugins available for your website and blog. Which ones should you use?
Lucky for you, WordPress coach and trainer Bob Dunn was my recent guest on the Power to the Small Business Podcast and he gave me his “Top 5” list of WordPress plugins for small business Websites. I’ve compiled that list in the video below.

Here’s Bob Dunn’s Top 5 List of WordPress Plugins (premium or free)
- Akismet – For catching spam comments
- Google XML sitemap – Helps search engines index and see all of your website content.
- All in one SEO – Makes your website content more search-engine friendly.
- WPDB Backup or Backup Buddy (premium)- Backs up the data base of your website.
- Gravity Forms (premium) – Simplifies contact and other form creation for your website.
If you have some other favorites, please share them in the comment section below.
For more WordPress tips, listen to the complete episode of the podcast here: WordPress for Small Business Websites Podcast
Learn more from Bob Dunn here: BobWP.com
**Note: There are some affiliate links on this page.
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