Mobile Marketing: Not quite ready to help you get new customers.

Most marketers believe that mobile marketing is going to be big (present company included). But like most things the marketing community predicts, it takes longer than expected. Hey, we marketers get excited about new stuff.

So where is mobile marketing now, and when will it get here?

Flickr Photo by geee.daryl

What you should know about the future of mobile marketing:
1 It’s going to take about two more years for mobile marketing to start having a wide-spread impact.

2 Mobile gaming will be an important vehicle for mobile marketers.

3 People will overcome their privacy and security fears to buy stuff using their mobile device.

4 Mobile marketing will not be about advertising, but about giving people information they can use.

5 Texting will still be big, even as mobile video gains acceptance.

6 In the next 2 years about 20% of the population will have smart phones (iPhone like devices).

It still takes way-too long to get a mobile campaign up and running.

8 The mobile marketing landscape is cluttered with an abundance of applications and technologies. There needs to be convergence and some standards to move mobile marketing to useful maturity.

What you can do about it now:
It’s probably a good thing that mobile marketing is a couple of years away because very few people know how to do it effectively, yet. That gives us a little time learn and see what will work.

1 Get yourself a smartphone – Whether you are tech-friendly or not, learn how people use the device. It’s the key to the future of mobile marketing.

2 Read some books

3 Read some blogs

Are you looking forward to our mobile future? What preparations are you making to go mobile?

Related posts on mobile marketing:
Everything Will Go Mobile
The Future of Marketing is Now
The Fifth P of Marketing


  1. […] Mobile Marketing: Not quite ready to help you get business Everything Will Go Mobile […]

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