Category Archives: Meatball Sundae

>Another Bite At The Meatball: Free Live Call With Seth Godin


America’s New Marketing guru, Seth Godin dishes out another helping of Meatball Sundae next week with a free live call hosted by SFEntrepreneur.

When: April 9th 12:00 – 1:00 p.m (Pacific Time)
What: Free Conference Call with Seth Godin

I attended one of these free Seth calls earlier in the year and the learning was well worth the hour invested.

Note: I received a comment that a book purchase is required to attend. That is not the case. You have the option to purchase the book at the time you register, but it is not required. When you click on the “order now” link you will see that your total is $0.

I was also asked to give full disclosure so here goes: I am not receiving compensation for this link in any way. I am not involved in this event in any way other than I am posting a link to it because I think it’s a good thing for small business owners to attend.

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