Category Archives: Spike Jones

Igniting Word of Mouth: Four Hot Ideas From SWOMfest

Word of Mouth is often called the most powerful form of advertising. Yet few businesses have a plan to generate word of mouth. While at SWOMfest in Austin last week, I rounded some of the big names in marketing and asked them: How can small businesses inject some word of mouth into their marketing plan? Their responses were captured in video below.

John Moore of Brand Autopsy suggests you ask yourself: Does this tactic earn an opinion?

Connie Reece of Every Dot Connects advises that you plan for follow through.

Spike Jones of Brains on Fire illustrates how you should re-frame the conversation.

Bryan Person of Live World says you should find and nurture evangelists.

What’s your Idea? Please add your voice in the comment link below.

Related articles on Word of Mouth:
Word Of Mouth Tips from Jackie Huba
Conversation Playbook: Creating opportunities for Word of Mouth

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