Notice: Changes in The Marketing Spot Website

You may notice some website weirdness over the next week or so, and especially this weekend. For the past month we have been re-building using the Headway WordPress platform. We’ve been building it in the background and now will begin publicly unveiling the site this weekend.

The reason is that we are converting The Marketing Spot into an online marketing learning and resource center from small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. There will be a complete library of marketing courses, tutorials, how-to’s and tools available in our new Marketing Spot Store. In addition, we’ll also be launching The Entrepreneur’s Edge, a membership option that will grant open access to all materials on The Marketing Spot, as well as exclusive live events and coaching opportunities.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. The website content on The Marketing Spot will be gradually added over the next week or two. Most of it should be up immediately, but sometimes these website re-builds don’t always go as planned. Then there’s the big thing…

We will be migrating and integrating The Marketing Spot Blog into this website. For the past four years I have been blogging at using the Google Blogger platform. We will be moving all all 593 posts to and trying to maintain all the search engine rankings I’ve acquired during the past four years.

All that is to say that things may look messy here for a few days until we get everything in place. However, when we’re through, you will have an organized and awesome marketing resource at your fingertips to learn whatever you need to learn about marketing. Thank you in advance for your patience!

– Jay Ehret
Dean of Marketing Know-How

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