Personality: The Thread That Binds Your Brand

Guest Post by Jill Tooley Although many brands have embraced the idea of personality in the public eye, some still turn up their noses at it. Big mistake! A company or organization needs to appear human to the public—especially regarding social media and marketing efforts—because it helps consumers establish an emotional connection. Without that connection,

Great Customer Service: Anticipation vs. Reaction

Companies are often lauded for their good customer service because of the way they handle situations after something goes wrong. Deservedly so. The better way is to minimize those reactions with anticipation. The difference between good customer service and great customer service is the difference between reactionary customer service and anticipatory customer service. What can,

Killing Giants with Brand Tension

A book is only as good as it’s insights. Not takeaways; those bullet lists are a dime a dozen. Insights change your thinking or change your action. For me, Brand Tension was the insight in  Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath in Your Industry by Stephen Denny. Brand Tension: The combination of two

Creating Desire and Marketing to Everyone

I wrote in yesterday’s post, What is Marketing, that marketing is about creating desire. That’s a broad statement that needs to be clarified. The debate has raged for years about marketing’s ability to create a desire, or to cause people to need something. I stand firmly in the camp that says you cannot create artificial

What is Marketing?

Let’s start with the Wikipedia definition of marketing: Marketing is “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.” Holy cow, what does that mean? Sounds like Jibber Jabber to me.   College courses teach the Four P’s of

Personalized Group Coaching Now Available

Jay Ehret of The Marketing Spot is now accepting enrollment into his summer semester of group coaching. Only eight businesses will participate in this intimate program. This  is the same DIY Marketing process that Jay has used with his consulting clients for the past several years. This group option lowers the cost of the program,

Technology Briefs

Friday morning I attended the Waco Chamber of Commerce Technology Briefing. The presenter was Michael Murphey of iVerse Media, a company that creates iPhone and iPad apps, specializing in comic books. Here were some of my take-aways. Walled Gardens are OK Apple gets a lot of criticism because they exert very tight control over their

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