Category Archives: customer service

Creating Magic Moments That Spark Word of Mouth

You understand the value of word of mouth. It’s free advertising and it’s powerful advertising because it’s unbiased advertising. But do you understand how to get more of it? The answer is magic, specifically magic moments.

My first article for the Washington Post was recently published and it has more on how to create magic moments that spark word of mouth for your business. In the article I explain how to create conversational specifics that create the magic moments, sparking unpaid evangelism by your customers.

You can read the full Washington Post article here:

Link: Creating magic moments for customers

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You Are the Customer

7 Customer Service Attitudes You Should Adopt Gleaned from Paul Hawken’s classic book: Growing a Business 1. Have a conviction instead of a credo. “The customer is always right.” ”The customer comes first.” ”Stay close to the customer.” Hawken says: “The motto on the wall will have meaning only if it is truly the conviction

Great Customer Service: Anticipation vs. Reaction

Companies are often lauded for their good customer service because of the way they handle situations after something goes wrong. Deservedly so. The better way is to minimize those reactions with anticipation. The difference between good customer service and great customer service is the difference between reactionary customer service and anticipatory customer service. What can,

What is Great Customer Service?

Customer service is the manner in which the product or service is delivered to the customer. Most people would probably agree with the generic definition of good customer service: prompt and courteous attention delivered by smiling, friendly employees. But is it? And what if a business wants to kick it up a notch? What is

>Podcast: Local Marketing Strategies and Tactics

> Episode #33 of Power to the Small Business podcast. The Internet show about small business marketing. In this episode of Power to the Small Business, we focus the lens on local marketing. What can local and small businesses do to increase the effectiveness of their marketing and advertising. Bob Lauck is owner of Lauck

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