Podcast: Wasting Time on Social Media

Episode #30 of Power to the Small Business podcast.

The Internet show about small business marketing.

Are you wasting time on social media? Could be, if you’re not spending your time on the right social media tool. In this episode of Power to the Small Business, we discuss the different social media options and the best return on time spent, including;

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Blogging


Guests: Bryan Person, Social Media Consultant, and founder of Social Media Breakfast
Length: 28 minutes

You can also download the mp3 file here: Download Power to the Small Business #30 (for personal use only)
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Wasting Time on Social Media Show Notes

Bryan Person – Social Media Consultant You have a finite amount of time to create content. Where is the best place to spend that time? Choose the social media channel that is best for you based on;

  • Your marketing purpose
  • Your marketing challenge
  • Where your customer will be
  • How much time you have to spend on social media
  • The strength of each social media tool

Twitter is the lazy man’s social media tool. It’s easy to post 140 characters and amass a lot of followers. It takes more time and thought to maintain a blog. Blogs may be the most powerful social media marketing tool for small businesses. This is especially true if you customers will go to search engines to search for your type of business. Blogs give you credibility, authority, and search engines like blogs. Find Bryan on the web: BryanPerson’s personal blog Twitter: @BryanPerson

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