Pay Per Click (PPC) Starter Tips for Small Business

This past weekend I was at ProductCamp Austin and caught Shawn Livengood’s excellent presentation on Pay Per Click Advertising Campaigns. After his session, Shawn and I got together in the lobby to discuss PPC and some starter tips for small business owners. Dustin Donham was there to capture Shawn’s wisdom on video.

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PPC Starter Tips from Shawn Livengood

When using Pay Per Click Advertising, Small Businesses should:

  • Focus on keywords that are very specific to what you offer
  • Go after keywords that have a very strong intent to buy or to take action on your website

PPC Advantages:

  • Instant results
  • Metrics that show: Conversions, ROI, revenue

Top 3 Starter Tips

  1. Separate all your campaigns and focus on search traffic
  2. Broad keywords generate traffic but poor ROI
  3. Exact match keywords are good for a tight ROI but generate less traffic
  4. Maintain relevance for keywords you are bidding on, text ad copy, and landing pages.

Google vs. Bing/Yahoo

  • Google has more traffic: 70% share
  • Bing/Yahoo only 25% share, but you tend to get a better ROI because fewer people are bidding.

Get more PPC advice from Shawn Livengood at

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  1. […] more see: Getting started with Google Adwords Campaigns Before you launch your campaign, see: PPC Starter Tips To dive in, you can get started here: Advertise your business on […]

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