Blog Problems Update

You may have seen some weird stuff going on here lately. Like a recurring blog post about promoting a non-profit event. I am having a technical issue with the website right now that will not post articles longer that about 400 words. At this point, I am unsure if the issue is with WordPress, my

Is Creativity in Advertising Necessary?

Last week, I had Luke Sullivan as a guest on the Power to the Small Business Podcast. Luke is Chair of Advertising at Savannah College of Art & Design and author of the book: Hey Whipple, Squeeze This: A guide to creating great advertising. He defines great advertising as the convergence of advertising that is

Marketing to Gen Z–Teens

Also in this series, marketing to Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y-Millennials Generation Z Marketing to Generation Z has been a little more difficult to pin down. First, there is really no consensus as to the age range of Generation Z. I’ve seen seen a wide range of dates given, starting any where from

Google+ = Brand Failure?

Want to be able to quickly judge the potential of a new brand? Take it through the brand discovery sequence: Can the brand grab the attention of potential customers? What’s the brand’s answer when people ask: “What is it?” When they know what it is, they ask: “Why should I care?” The strength of the

Marketing to Millennials – Generation Y

Marketing Across the Generations Also in this series. marketing to Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Z. Generation Y, or “Millennials” Like Generation X, there are no precise dates for the Generation Y. But generally, Millennials were born between 1982-2001. There are approximately 80 million Gen Y Americans. They are also referred to as “Echo Boomers”

Marketing to Generation X

Marketing Across the Generations Also in this series, marketing to Baby Boomers, Generation Y (Millennials), and Generation Z. Generation X Born from the mid-1960’s through 1979-81. Unlike the Baby Boomers, Gen X is not categorized with hard and fast dates. They are sometimes referred to as the MTV Generation. They are generally between the ages of 32-46.

Marketing to Baby Boomers

Marketing Across the Generations Also in this series. I will also analyze marketing to Generation X, Generation Y (Millennials), and Generation Z. Baby Boomers Born between 1946-1964, Baby Boomers comprise 26% of the U.S. population. In Canada the baby boom was 1947 to 1966 and 1946-1961 in Australia. In the UK, Baby Boomers were born between

An Eskimo’s Guide to Marketing

Five Strategies to Market In-Demand Products That People Avoid Discussing Guest post by Marni Mutrux Selling ice to Eskimos – it’s a cliché most entrepreneurs can relate to. Even if your product is super-cool it’s a challenge to take it from unknown to celebrity status. And what if you’re product isn’t super-cool – something more

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