Writing a Better Business Blog Post: 31 Tips

This is my way. It’s one way. Hope you pick up a few tips to improve your posts. BLOG POST MECHANICS 1. Pick your topic Narrow it down. For example, I don’t write a “marketing” post. I choose a specific topic within my Four-Spot Marketing Model. 2. Decide on “1 Thing.” What’s the one thing

How to Spend 10 Minutes a Day on Social Media

In his new book Increase Online Sales Through Viral Social Networking, my friend Stephen Woessner contends that small businesses can manage their social media marketing in just 10 minutes per day. If true, that’s great news for the small business owner because time is the biggest investment in social media marketing. Woessner has simplified the

Facebook Promotions Guidelines Translated for the Small Business Owner

Want to have a contest or promotion on Facebook? Before you do, read the Facebook Promotions Guidelines. You don’t want black helicopters showing up at your house one night and confiscating your Facebook business page. You may find the rules a bit difficult to understand. However, I speak Facebook and I will translate them for

Being a Charismatic Brand

There are brands, and then there are Brands with a capital “C”; the brands that have charisma and draw people into them. These are the brands that don’t have to work very hard for customer traffic. Customers come, without much advertising or promotion. What makes a brand charismatic? “A Charismatic Brand is any product, service, 

The Future of Blog Comments

Despite a 20% increase in website traffic over the past year, comments on this blog are declining and that’s frustrating. This blog has never really been a comment magnet. Most posts would attract a few, thoughtful comments. But lately the crickets have been chirping. Even when I write a high-traffic post like: What’s the best

Quote Spot: Customer Experience

A Collection of Customer Experience Quotes When consumers discover something meaningful in a consumption experience, they are prepared to make the consumption story their own….Stories about consumption experiences have become identity shapers. – Bertand Cesvet, Tony Babinski, Eric Alper  in Conversational Capital. Once a user submits a suggestion and receives feedback and acknowledgement for it,

Website Transition Update

You may remember earlier this year I remodeled my website and migrated my Google Blogspot blog to TheMarketingSpot.com. Thanks to my patient and diligent developer, AJ Morris, it was accomplished with only minor difficulties. Was it worth it? Let’s take a look at the numbers. The official go-live date of the new website was February

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