Category Archives: books

>Another Bite At The Meatball: Free Live Call With Seth Godin

> America’s New Marketing guru, Seth Godin dishes out another helping of Meatball Sundae next week with a free live call hosted by SFEntrepreneur. When: April 9th 12:00 – 1:00 p.m (Pacific Time) What: Free Conference Call with Seth Godin Sign Up Here: I attended one of these free Seth calls earlier in the

>Accidental Branding

>Review of Accidental Branding: How Ordinary People Build Extraordinary Brands by David Vinjamuri THE PREMISEDavid Vinjamuri says that he ended up calling his book Accidental Branding “because every brand that I wanted to write about started with some fortuitous accident.” “All the entrepreneurs I write about in this book…were very, very lucky.” Vinjamuri admits there

>Join the Conversation Rush to Amazon

> The Age of Conversation was 2007’s trailblazing collaborative book authored by 100 bloggers from around the world. As Drew McLellan and Gavin Heaton are organizing the 2008 edition, last year’s AOC still has another run at the spotlight. The book is now available on Amazon, but don’t buy it yet. Wait until March 29.

Power to The Small Business Podcast: George Parker on Advertising

The internet show about small business marketing -Episode #2 Outspoken veteran adman George Parker weighs in with important tips on small business advertising. Parker is author of MadScam: Kick-Ass Advertising Without the Madison Avenue Price Tag, and writes the AdScam blog. He is a freelance writer and creative director and practices his craft in Boise,

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