Category Archives: small business marketing

>Spot On! This Week’s Best Marketing Advice.

> Here are some of the week’s best small business marketing blog posts. They are categorized by the four spots of The Marketing Circle of Life. Enjoy and be educated. Photo Credit: jeffk Conversation: Viral Campaigning or Viral Complaining? by Becky Carroll on Customers Rock!. It can be easy to get customer service wrong, with

>Spot On! This Week’s Best Marketing Advice

> Here are some of the week’s best small business marketing blog posts. They are categorized by the four spots of The Marketing Circle of Life. Enjoy and be educated. Photo Credit: Chris Gin Branding: Once Upon a Time…There Were Five Kinds of Stories To Build Your Brand by Charlene Jaszewski on the aimClear Blog.

>Spot On! This week’s best marketing advice.

> Formerly known as Weekend Marketing Reading, here are some of the week’s best small business marketing blog posts. They are categorized by the four spots of The Marketing Circle of Life. Enjoy and be educated. Photo Credit: ogimogi Promotion: Good direct mail design: let form follow function by Dean Rieck on the Direct Creative

>Spot On! This Week’s Best Marketing Advice

> Formerly known as Weekend Marketing Reading, here are some of the week’s best small business marketing blog posts. They are categorized by the four spots of The Marketing Circle of Life. Enjoy and be educated. Photo credit: Flickr photo by dbking Experience: Color and the Retail Experience by C.B Whittemore at Flooring the Consumer.

reExperience Starbucks 10: Rewards do not breed loyalty

This is post #10 of the reExperience Starbucks Project joint blogging venture with Becky Carroll and the Customers Rock! blog. See Becky’s most recent post: reExperience Starbucks, Update 9: Customer Loyalty I’m loyal to my wife. We have a life-long commitment and partnership. I’m loyal to my alma mater: Baylor University. We have a 20-year

Conversation Playbook: Creating opportunities for word of mouth

Part 6 of Build Your Marketing Plan Series This is part six of an eight-part series on how to build an exceptional small business marketing plan. This series is a condensed version of my 17 week coaching program. Each “lesson” of the series contains a background article, down-loadable worksheets and a slidecast. You can also

Conversation Starters: Creating your word-of-mouth message.

Part 5 of Build Your Marketing Plan Series This is part five of an eight-part series on how to build an exceptional small business marketing plan. This series is a condensed version of my 17 week coaching program. Each “lesson” of the series contains a background article, down-loadable worksheets and a slidecast. You can also

Is your website prepared for the mobile revolution?

Episode #15 of Power to the Small Business: The Mobile Web The Internet show about small business marketing. On this episode of Power to the Small Business, we welcome Holly Kolman. Holly is passionate about the coming mobile revolution. She tracks it, writes about it, and advises on it on her blog: Mobienthusiast. Are you

The Customer Experience Map

Part 4 of Build Your Marketing Plan Series July is Build Your Marketing Plan month on The Marketing Spot blog. This is part four of an eight-part series on how to build an exceptional small business marketing plan. Each “lesson” of the series contains a background article, down loadable worksheets and a slidecast. This information

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