Category Archives: marketing

The Basics of Marketing: What is a Brand?

When you begin searching for marketing advice on the Internet you get a lot of deep conversations and extended thinking. It’s the natural progression of dialogue among professionals. But if you’re just trying to learn this marketing stuff, it can be confusing. It’s best to start with the foundations and thus, The Marketing Spot occasionally

Speaking The Right Marketing Language

Professor Donald Puglisi packed the house this week at the University of Delaware. His topic: “Rational Investing at a Time of Financial Crisis and Panic” He used words like “abysmal,” “anguish,” “pain and suffering,” and “bloodbath.” “More bad news is coming,” Puglisi warned. Who do you think attended this talk? What was their mentality? It

>Spot On! This Week’s Best Marketing Advice

> Here are some of the week’s best small business marketing blog posts. They are categorized by the four spots of The Marketing Circle of Life. Enjoy and be educated. Branding: Figuring Out What You Really Sell by Harrison McLeod at Men With Pens. What you’re selling isn’t about what you sell at all. It’s

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