Category Archives: marketing

>Spot On! This week’s best marketing advice.

> Here are some of the week’s best small business marketing blog posts. They are categorized by the four spots of The Marketing Circle of Life. Enjoy and be educated. Photo Credit: striatic Experience: Conducting Market Research by Ben Barry at Market research has a reputation for being the luxury of large firms. But

>Upcoming Marketing Seminars, Workshops and Speeches

> Upgrade Your Customer Experience Next week I’ll be speaking on Creating Remarkable Customer Experiences for the Waco, Texas chapter of the National Association of Female Executives. If you’re interested in attending, contact Karyn Miller, who owns the Gourmet Gallery in Waco. Subject: Creating Remarkable Customer Experiences Organization: National Association of Female Executives – Waco

Blog Day – Five Blogs for Your Consideration

BlogDay was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest. Today is the day bloggers recommend other blogs to our readers. This way, all blog readers will find themselves leaping around and discovering new, previously unknown blogs. One of

>Brain Rules For Marketing – Part 2

> John Medina’s Brain Rules is a fascinating book. Medina has taken the complicated brain and made it understandable and interesting with an engaging narrative. The book contains “12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School” I bought it because Garr Reynolds on Presentation Zen said that Brain Rules would improve my

>Brain Rules For Marketing – Part 1

> John Medina’s Brain Rules is a fascinating book. Medina has taken the complicated brain and made it understandable and interesting with an engaging narrative. The book contains “12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School” I bought it because Garr Reynolds on Presentation Zen said that Brain Rules would improve my

>Spot On! This week’s best marketing advice.

> Formerly known as Weekend Marketing Reading, here are some of the week’s best small business marketing blog posts. They are categorized by the four spots of The Marketing Circle of Life. Enjoy and be educated. Photo Credit: ogimogi Promotion: Good direct mail design: let form follow function by Dean Rieck on the Direct Creative

reExperience Starbucks: What’s Up Howard Schultz?

Episode #12 of Power to the Small Business: The internet show about small business marketing. What’s up Howard? Howard Schultz rode in on his white horse in January to reclaim his throne as CEO of Starbucks. It wasn’t just the media anointing Schultz, Howard put himself front and center and promised to return Starbucks to

>Whatever Happens is Supposed to Happen

> Flickr photo by greg westfall Sometimes you learn what don’t you think you’re going to learn. I spent about 7 hours with some very bright people this past Saturday at Podcamp San Antonio. I was looking to get better at podcasting and get some ideas to freshen up my podcast: Power To The Small

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