Category Archives: small business marketing

Classic Spot: The Customer Experience Map

The customer’s experience may be a small business’ important marketing function. Rewarding your customers with a memorable experience goes way beyond providing good service. Here are some classic articles from the Marketing Spot Blog archives to help you create your own remarkable customer experience. Building Customer Loyalty Why is loyalty so elusive? Because good customer

>What’s Unconventional About Your Customer’s Experience?

> People will go out of their way to experience something that’s unconventional. Why else would 30,000 people descend on Atlanta clad as Storm Troopers and Starfleet officers for Dragon Con, an event billed as “the largest science fiction and fantasy convention in North America.” Actor Ben Browder (Farscape, Stargate SG1), who was appearing at

Quote Spot: The Customer Experience

A Collection of Quotes on the Customer’s Experience “Service is an affair of the heart, because for service to touch the mind of the it must come from the heart of the server.” T. Scott Gross – Positively Outrageous Service: How to Delight and Astound Your Customers and Win Them for Life “It is the

Jay Ehret to Participate in Network Solutions’ Cost Conscience Marketing Panel

Network Solutions is hosting a free online event: How to Effectively Market Your Small Business in a Downturn Economy? Jay Ehret, The Marketing Spot founder and Chief Officer of Awesomeness, will join a distinguished panel of marketing experts for a free webinar on Wednesday, August 26, 2009. The panel will share advice and ideas to

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