Author Archives: Jay Ehret

The Conversation – Promotion Connection

In my four spot marketing model, as illustrated in The Marketing Circle of Life above, you see that the Conversation spot and Promotion are connected. Here’s how it works. Conversation is the unpaid evangelism about your business that occurs through person-to-person word of mouth, online social media, and publicity about your business in the media.

Don’t Mess With My Groupon!

I will confess a bit of title hyperbole when I wrote Monday’s article: Email Coupons: The New Way to Kill Your Business. The topic incited several passionate responses in the blog comments, on Twitter, and through email. The response was fairly evenly split, but those who supported the Groupon and LivingSocial coupon discount schemes, were

The Four Unconscious Factors That Influence Purchase Decisions

To understand how to influence customers’ purchase decisions, you must understand their unconscious mind. While people like to think they make rational purchase decisions by thinking things through, most purchase decisions are influenced by the unconscious mind. According to Philip Graves, author of Consumer.ology, there are four primary factors that preoccupy the unconscious mind during

Consumerology: How Choice Affects Customer Purchase Decisions

Consumers are a funny lot…from the a business owner’s perspective. We like to think they are these logical creatures who want to make rational purchase decisions, based on all the information that’s available to them. But that’s not really what they want. In fact, the more information you provide a consumer, the more difficult you

How to Make a Billion Dollars Through Marketing

The best entrepreneurs are marketers at heart. They understand that business is not just about selling stuff. They know the best companies deliver more than just a product. That’s how Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh transformed a small online shoe retailer into a company that sold to Amazon for nearly a billion dollars. Three months before

How do I get my name out there?

…is a frequent question I hear from entrepreneurs, and it’s actually a good question. People must be aware of you before they can purchase from you. There is something to be said for simple exposure, especially if your product or service is not a high-frequency purchase. You may think you have a memorable business, but

Where Does Your Brand Stand? (Free ebook)

You often feel like you need to do something to help your business’ brand. But what? I’ve developed a free tool in to help you evaluate your brand, so you know where to start working. It’s a free branding ebook, The Brand Building Checklist: Evaluate your business and build your brand. It’s yours free to

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