Category Archives: word of mouth

>July is build your marketing plan month.

> Well not officially, but here at The Marketing Spot it will be. Preview of July Coming AttractionsThere’s a lot of practical blog-you-can-use stuff on tap for July. Become a subscriber so that you don’t miss any of it. Taglines – Jim Morris, The Communicaterer, joins us on the Power to the Small Business podcast

>Weekend Marketing Reading June 28

> Here are some of the week’s best small business marketing blog posts. They are categorized by the four spots of The Marketing Circle of Life. Enjoy and be educated. Photo credit: Earl – What I Saw 2.0 Customer Experience: Who is your customer? – Understanding the different roles of customers by Bernhard Schindlholzer of

Enough With The Communities, Already!

I got friended on Plaxo this week. Plaxo! Isn’t that the business contact service that helps you organize everyone’s contact info? Apparently not. Now it’s an online community. Not that I begrudge Plaxo for wanting to be an online community. But enough is enough. Not every single service on the web can be an online

>Struggling Entrepreneur Interviews The Marketing Spot

> I was recently interviewed by Fred Castaneda of The Struggling Entrepreneur Podcast. That interview is now up on Fred’s site and you can listen to Using Your Strengths for Branding Yourself- The Marketing Spot. The show is part marketing advice, part entrepreneurial advice as I share my own struggles starting and owning a business.

All Your Marketing is Connected

In my previous post on The Marketing Circle of Life I discussed how each piece of the small business marketing model must be assembled in a logical order and that all spots are reciprocally dependent on each other. Today we’re going to illustrate how each of the spots are interconnected. We’ll start by slightly revising

The Marketing Circle of Life

To revisit an extended series I wrote last fall on the marketing multiplier effect, today I’d like to discuss the interconnectedness of all your marketing efforts. None of your marketing maneuvers operate independently of each other. You may treat them like they do, but they are all connected in what I call The Marketing Circle

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