Category Archives: small business marketing

Websites: Un-Sexiness Works

Stephen Denny tells us how Bringing Un-Sexy Back is good for your marketing. I think the same principle also goes for your website. This is one area where small businesses can actually get a good lesson from a big business (website). Like we did with our logo lesson (see: The Importance of a Logo in

Marketing Multiplier #2 – The Customer Experience

This is a continuation of my series on the ineffectiveness of advertising when used without other marketing multipliers. See the original post here: Why Advertising Alone is So Ineffective We covered the first marketing multiplier here: Marketing Multiplier #1 – Branding The Role of the Customer Experience In Marketing What? The customer experience is a

Quote Spot – Word of Mouth

A collection of word-of-mouth quotes: “If it’s not worth talking about, it’s not worth doing.” Andy Sernovitz – Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking “Common sense is the enemy of sticky messages.” Chip Heath, Dan Heath – Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die “Word of mouth and

>Price vs. Perceived Value

>Tempted to lower the price on your product ot boost sales? Here is a great lesson from Kerry Bodine of Forrester Research on how Masterlock decided to increase the perceived value of their product rather than lower price. The lesson starts after the first 45 seconds of the video.

A Humorous Word of Mouth Example

This will get your weekend started with a couple of laughs. In Word of Mouth Marketing, Andy Sernovitz points out that word of mouth can have a huge mathematical impact on your business’ bottom line. In November of 2001 two men from Seattle showed up at 2am to the Doubletree Club in Houston to check

Bringing Customers Together

In Creating Customer Evangelists, Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba taught us that one way to encourage word of mouth was to create a community and bring customers together. Communities create a sense of belonging for customers, of being part of something bigger than themselves. Because it can be too costly to create customer events, user

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